Fast cat trials
Olympic Kennel Club
We are sorry to announce that the club that we hired (NWRRC) decided they did not want to fulfill their obligations which is forcing us to cancel the 2020 Fast CAT trials. All entrees and checks received will be destroyed. Please contact the Trial Secretary for questions.
Entries close at 6:00 PM, Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Day-of-Test entries close at 10 AM for the AM events and 3 PM for the PM events,
August 15 & 16, 2020 at the Field Secretary’s table, Enumclaw Event Center
AKC FAST CAT TESTS (4)Saturday AM, August 15, 2020, Event#2020174208, Test 1Saturday PM, August 15, 2020, Event#2020174209, Test 2Sunday AM, August 16, 2020, Event#2020174210 Test 3Sunday PM, August 16, 2020, Event#2020174211 Test 4***Limit 125 dogs per test***
Sure, you think your dog is fast. But have you ever wondered how fast? Can your dog outrun Usain Bolt, who has been called the fastest runner in the world? He just might: Usain’s fastest time has been clocked at almost 28 mph – yet dogs have been known to reach speeds of 35-45 mph.Well, you no longer have to wonder how fast your dog can run. FAST CAT® – which stands for Coursing Ability Test – is a timed 100-yard dash where dogs run one at a time, chasing a lure. It’s over before you know it — and it’s nothing short of awe-inspiring to watch your dog run at top speed, ears back, eyes focused, legs strong.
Saturday, Aug. 15, 2020
Sunday August 16, 2020
Enumclaw Expo Center East FieldCorner of 456th St and 284th Ave SE
Water Closet
Hand Washing Station
Committee Members
Chair: Fran Foster
Trial Secretary:
Jamie Eggleston
Lure Operators:
Jeff Falkner & Rick Billieu
Paddock Master: Cherise Glass
Premium List
Notice to Participants: *Refer to the Premium and/or AKC Regulations for FAST CAT for rules
A running order will be posted and you have the opportunity at 7:30 am to 8:00 am to adjust the run order. This is only time you can make changes.If you are absent when your run is ready, we will skip you and add you to the end of the list FOR THAT TEST. You will have the opportunity to run when your name comes up on the list again.If you miss your 2nd chance, we may not be able to run you again in that test due to time constraints.We will start running promptly at 8:oo am both days. Please make sure you have your catcher with you and ready when your run is up.
A running order will be posted and you have the opportunity at 7:30 am to 8:00 am to adjust the run order. This is only time you can make changes.If you are absent when your run is ready, we will skip you and add you to the end of the list FOR THAT TEST. You will have the opportunity to run when your name comes up on the list again.If you miss your 2nd chance, we may not be able to run you again in that test due to time constraints.We will start running promptly at 8:oo am both days. Please make sure you have your catcher with you and ready when your run is up.
- This event is open to all dogs 1 year of age and older.
- Must be registered with AKC. Pure or Mixed Breed
- Spayed and neutered dogs are eligible to participate
- Monorchid and cryptorchid dogs are ineligible to participate.
- Bitches in season are not eligible to participate*
- Trial committee has the right to refuse any entry.
- Withdrawal of entry before the closing date will receive a full refund.
- Refunds for dogs pulled before closing will be mailed 7 days after the event. No refunds will be made for cancellations after the closing date or entries which are absent, disqualified, excused or barred from competition by decision of the Trial Committee. Exception - Injured dogs with a note from their Veterinarian will receive a refund less the $5 processing fee.
- Exhibitors are responsible for complete, accurate and legible information on their entry forms.
- It is expressly understood that exhibitors alone are responsible for behavior of their dogs, children and/or guests. Any exhibitor whose dogs, children and/or guests repeatedly engage in unsafe or disruptive behavior may, at the discretion of the Trial Committee, be asked to leave the trial site. In such case, no refund on any entry will be made.
- All dogs must be on leash at all times except when in the ring.
- Exhibitors are responsible for being in the staging area when it is their turn to run.
- Please be courteous and pick up after your dog.
- All entries must be accompanied by entry fees to be valid. A declined payment or returned check does not constitute a valid entry. There will be a $40 fee for any returned check or payment. Checks must be made payable to Olympic Kennel Club. Entries where payment has not been received within 7 days of paypal invoice will be canceled.
- Maximum of 5 entries per envelope.
- Bathroom facility is on site.
- At no time can dogs be tied out or otherwise left attached to anything other than a human when outside a crate, car, or other secure enclosed confinement. Leashes cannot be left dangling or dragging. Standing or stepping on a leash is not allowed as a form of restraint (but may be used in an emergency to help secure a loose dog.) Accommodations to this rule may be made for differently-abled handlers as determined by the Club.